Data Logs
January 7th, 2024
Hi, hasn't it been a while? I'm more normal now, cuz I quit my job and moved out somewhere strange and new. I'm real close to getting hormones and doing things to further my life. It's scary and all that but I'll be alright. I've made a few videos since my last updates by the way! They're pretty good, right? Gotta watch em all to catch up on my life. I'm not exactly stricken with much inspiration, but I've got a good few ideas, many of which may be recycled from last year, cuz I didn't get to do all I wanted last year. Fuck Bill Thompson of Thompson King Holdings, blame him for the lack of videos or new things from me. On the topic of new things from me, I won't be updating this website all that often, but I will be giving it periodic updates instead of doing daily ones like last year. Obviously I experienced extreme burnout. 2023 was a mess, really and truly so, but now things should be better for us! Shall we go hand in hand into the future?

July 21st, 2023
Everything is such a fucking stressor, god damn. Who ever the fuck said there are good stressors and bad stressors are fucking lying. I'm like halfway to marching down the city streets and setting myself on fire! I'm so sick of literally everything right now I'm so serious. Today was so fucking busy for me, and I've got shit somewhat sorted out, but for the literal next fucking week I'm gonna be so busy with a bunch of bullshit and have genuinely no time to sort out the last fucking necessary incrimental bits that I'm going to lose it. Why on god's stupid fucking green earth does everything have to be such a god damn chore. Who decided that the world should be run in a way that makes everything such a GOD DAMN CHORE. Everything's a waste of my fucking time, I can't get an ample amount of rest because I've always gotta do something, and everytime I get called up to do some inane bullshit I begin to lose what little sanity I had remaining. Can anyone fucking tell me why paperwork and documentation and policies are such a fucking chore to deal with. Why are there so many fucking hoops to jump through, why the fuck is everything so goddamn infuriating i'm so done! Everything is too fucking busy right now and it's making me freak the fuck out. And to top it all off, I hate everything I make, have made, or have ever conceptualized for future projects. I hate hate hate hate the fact that learning curves for the creative process are so fucking steep. Why does this stupid fucking world have these inane rules to follow! I just want to have a proper creative outlet which will let me put shit out that I enjoy! And why the fuck does this stupid ass earth seem to favor those who have been born with the magic ticket known as luck. Who the fuck ever decided that should be the case. I'm so sick of everything it's not even fucking fair. Someone for the love of god do something drastic to alter the course of human evolution and do it fast. I'm so sick of being a nobody.

July 6th, 2023
HOLY SHIT! Sorry for my fuckin' extended absence lol! I've been busy for the past month and a half. I know I missed all of Pride Month, for that I am TRULY sorry, I also haven't given any sort of visual update to the site or even hinted at my existence with a YouTube community post. I've gotta recap for you hungry folks because if you still care about my existence in some way, you probably want to know why I vanished for so long. So yes, I was a very good worker, great manager of a terrible Burger King! I made bank and worked myself to the bone all while never getting enough sleep or ever doing anything other than driving around and eating terrible food and sleeping all the fucking time. Long story short, I got fucking FIRED! Which I was kind of hoping for, but it still definitely fucked me up a bit. I was not expecting to go out like that and I feel really fucking bad about leaving my coworkers to sink in that place, but sometimes you gotta rip the bandage off with violent intent in order to start living the life you want. Which I may not be at the life that I want just yet, but I'm surely getting closer. I'm going to move in with one of my best friends and become a manager at a whole new type of store. I'm so nervous, like insanely nervous, but I do really hope that everything works out. My best friend certainly thinks everything will work out, so I don't think I should stress too much, cuz it seems to have thats life in check. I've definitely still got a lil bit of shit to take care of beforehand, but I will get around to it and get it all done to the best of my ability. As for less serious topics revolving around my mundane but still stressing life, I have a video that's about to go up on YouTube!!! It's similar to the one I was working on in April, but now I can keep it up and have a wonderous time all the while. I want to continue to make videos so I can hit my 3 video quota for the year. Both the Resident Evil video and the Virtual Pet video have been put away while I try to sort my life out, and I imagine I won't pick those back up until I've settled down and gotten my head screwed on the right way, but they do still exist! I assure you I've got the folders for both resting on my desktop RIGHT FUCKING NOW. As for this site, I think I'll give it a visual overhaul and really fanagle it into proper order. I love the alien aesthetic y'know since i still really love aliens, but I also have gone through many changes over the course of the 5 months since i started this website and I need to change it to suit my current interests. That'll be a whole ordeal, but real small and manageable though. also i've been really into 90's/2000's platformers and I will forever love Banjo Kazooie and Sonic Adventure DX. okay its like 4am right now, so im gonna get moseying into the shower and then scoot off to bed. hopefully.

May 26th, 2023
FUck bud, my bad for abandoning my site for so long. Shit's just been rather dire up in my brain cavity space. Real fuckin' dire. I'm doing somewhat better now as compared to back when I last updated, but jeez did I ever feel like my head was encased in sludge. Course, I'll need to get some actual fuckin' rest before I feel complete, but today was rather fun. I went to the store with my housemates, got some Wendy's, sat down afterwards and played games with my best friend online. I had a really great night with her, which I think is what I really needed. Shit definitely sucks a whole lot less when I get to talk and hang out with my friends. I still haven't done anything to further any of my work on my videos and shit, but y'know that doesn't matter a whole lot to me right now. I think the reason I had to take that long ass break from doing anything online or working on personal stuff was because my life is about to undergo a huge fuckin' change bud, it's nuts! Course, I've got people to help back me up, but damn does it ever feel like I'm falling apart at the seams sometimes. I'll be better eventually though, especially since I picked up some vitamin pills, which hopefully will solve the big problem which has arisen recently of my bruises and wounds from work not healing. I've been losing a little bit of weight and been feeling completely out of it, which I'm sure doesn't help my already unstable mood. As a side, I've really been enjoying playing games again. I beat Battle Network 1, I've been going through Tears of The Kingdom at a slow pace, same with Battle Network 2, and I'm also starting to dabble back into virtual pets here and there. I don't think I'll be making any frivolous purchases like those for a while though, because damn do I ever need to fuckin save money. Perhaps soon I'll give my page a visual change with some Mega Man Battle Network shit, backgrounds and the like, y'know? Man do I love that fuckin' series.

Apr 30th, 2023
Blugh..... My ki energy is drained and my soul is weakened. At least i can be guaranteed that today is gonna be easy. I get paid tomorrow but I don't plan on spending a whole lot of it. I've already done enough of that in the past week and a half, so I should slice off more for my savings. I feel like dogshit, hough. Just in the past few days I've purchased the Advanced PET with some battlechips, a THIRD SOLDERING IRON, some kynar wire, and a custom made GBA cartridge. I haven't done any kind of modding on the DS that I bought for a Macro mod, I've been too nervous about fucking it all up. That's another reason why I purchased a third soldering pen, because the wireless USB-C one that I bought doesn't have readily available replacable tips, and the gun is too bulky. Fuck me y'know, what a bunch of bullshit. WHatever. I also haven't been writing the script at all, but I'm going to try to change that soon. I've migrated the script from being a RTF on my computer to being a shared google document across my devices so hopefully even when im at work i can also write some shit down, because at this rate (5 fucking months into this year) I will absolutely not hit my goal of 3 serious videos in this year. I've got some serious melted brain disease right now and I HATE IT. GOguhgh. I'm still debating on whether or not to do a cosplay for this video or if I should just do it like normal, because I really want to try and garner some more views. the performance of my videos never truly matttered all that much to me, but after seeing the dragon quest video flop like it did in comparison to the liquid crystal video (WHICH I DID NOT ADVERTISE AT ALL) I think i just need to try and hook for attention better. Maybe up the ante i dont know. I'm creatively tapped right now and it sucks. My stream yesterday was lackluster but I don't really stream for anyones benefit but mine. It's not like i have a specific schedule i have to keep up with. I think perhaps if i do any streaming it should be more sparse and be a special occasion type deal. I still have to do another dusty ol gamez with my friend hutch. Hi hutch if youre seeing this youre my friend. ogjhugh i guess i should go brush my teeth and get some food in my stomach.

Apr 24th, 2023
I'm playing the ultimate kind of stall game, I'm getting super into Game Boy Advance modding and using it to put off working on a video. Of course I'm still streaming, I had my longest stream of damn near 5 hours on Saturday. I burnt the fuck out of my fingers doing resoldering jobs of both the R-Trigger of my original GBA SP, and the battery on my Pokemon Sapphire copy. Both weren't perfect jobs, I've seldom used a soldering gun/pen and I need to get acquainted with the concept of not burning the fuck out of myself. I've got a DS Original that I bought for $20 bucks with a busted top screen that I plan on modifying into a Game Boy Advance Macro device as well, I've already got a roll of resistors and two speaker parts for the mod as well. I "made" a macro a few years ago with a busted DS lite, but since then I've found that the triggers are unresponsive and the lack of sound is shit. I may buy a faceplate and give that one an overhaul, but I'm going to hold off on that for now. (and not because i've spent $110 on tools and almost $70 on misc gba games.) So far I've got Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion, Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon, Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire, Tales of Phantasia, Super Mario Advance 2 Super Mario World, and Densetsu no Stafy 3. Only a few of these are authentic, but the places I buy from are very transparent about which copies are reproductions or not, so I trust they've got some smidge of integrity about the products they provide. DAMN, I just realized that I could've been 3D printing my own parts for these mods. Okay goodbye now, I've got to go suffer through a painful ass shift today! goodbye my friends (:

Apr 19th, 2023
I think I've taken an interest in the greater GBA modding scene again. The last time something like this happened it was in 2020, when I was super unemployed due to the pandemic. Now with a steady stream of income and a particular interest in the Game Boy Advance's game library thanks to the two Metroid games on it, I think I welcome this new hyperfixation with the most open arms I've got. Also I absolutely have to praise people who make reproduction cartridges of GBA games. They're keeping me sane from the ridiculous aftermarket prices of the official copies of my favorite games. Fuck spending 80 bucks on Metroid Fusion. The pandemic was a scourge not only on the earth populus but for every single hobby. Commercialization I'm fucking coming for you. Son of a bitch. Also I've started Golden Sun recently, but I think I won't end up finishing it. I don't know what's wrong with my brain that makes me want to start a game and then drop it. There are natural highs and lows to game experiences, but some games really don't gel with my brain. Sorry to Digital Devil Saga, Metroid Prime Hunters, Pokemon Renegade Platinum, Densetsu no Stafy 2, Dragon Warrior 3, Dragon Warrior 8, Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey, New Super Mario Bros, Metroid Samus Returns, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Wario Land 2, and last of all I'm sorry to Resident Evil 2 Remake. Eventually, eventually I'll be unemployed again and I'll starve to death while clearing up my backlog of games.

Apr 16th, 2023
Yeah, that just about decides it. I'm going to apply for new jobs. Even if I've barely held my manager status for a month, and my training isn't totally complete, having those skills and good references from this place will do wonders in helping boost my status. Not to mention, I've now got a bike, so my range of places I can go for work has now increased tenfold! I can bike a mile and a half in under 10 minutes in comparison to the walk i take to work now taking me an average of 12 minutes. I of course don't have a bike lock yet, but those are simply smaller issues I can work around. I think I'm going to start applying on my days off. I've got to get out of here with my sanity and physical health in tact. Yesterday I worked for damn near 11 hours straight with no break and no food. Alright I'll talk to y'all later. Time to go through 3 more days of this shit until I'm free to start searching. I've just gotta make sure I use those free days to their fullest potential.

Apr 14th, 2023
Honk shoo, honk shoo, honk shoo, snork. My day off was decently nice. I streamed and beat Super Metroid, which was a fun time overall, shout out to Davis who swung by for the stream. As for what I did afterwards? Jack shit. I wanted to overhaul the website, make it look snazzy with a different layout, but then I realized how much work that would take, because this website is unoptimized to shit. I've got multiple web pages that are miles long and fixing all that would be a pain in the ass. Ah, shame indeed. Such is life. I was hoping I could power through the rest of the script over the course of the week, but alas that did not happen either. So be it. It's a difficult thing script writing is, having to make a clear and concise statement on a game? What a pain in my ass! x2! Okay I'm gonna go now, hopefully later I'll get my shit together and when I'm not doing my wage slave nonsense, I'll be here to put together my online image in a really snazzy way. I've also gotta get 3 more semi-serious videos out before the end of the year. I've got one done and it's already April? Ah shit I've gotta get cooking on these next ones.

Apr 10th, 2023
Yesterday went rather smooth! I'm also completely done with recording footage of Resident Evil Deadly Silence. I've got both Chris Classic and Jill Rebirth gone the whole way through. I've got some choice words about the whole game, but I've also got to attempt to not let my really strong bias get in the way of being critical of the game. I fucking love this stupid ass game so much and I'd be lying to myself if I said this wasn't better than the remake. Who knows why, but I genuinely think that the DS port is better than the fully realized remake. Maybe I've got some kind of brain disease. shame. I'll talk to y'all later.

Apr 7th, 2023
They've called me into work again this Friday, once I get that full manager's pay and I work just about a month or so as a manager I think I'll put in my two weeks. I've got 3 and a half months before I really need to quit, but fuck me, from the small bits of managerial work I've dipped my toes into, working here as a manager definitely sucks ass. It's such a fast moving work environment and I'm both far too autistic and way too green for this kind of work. I mean, I could do it, but the way this fucking place is run is like the navy, and after 10pm we don't nearly have the right crew to take over. We realistically should have at least 4 people after 10pm, but because the owner is such a stickler for how things are run and a downright senile fool, we've been forced to cope with only having 3 people on the shift at once during our final closing hours for the past 3 months. Also I have to go in in under 3 hours but two of my housemates are lined up for the fuckin shower. I'm gonna be soggy as fuck walking to work later because I'm gonna have to rush to clean, rush to dry, rush to dress, and then I'll have to deal with being cold as shit. Ignoring all of that, I've got all of Resident Evil 1 Jill's campaign beaten and recorded, and I'm pretty much 75% of the way through with Chris's. I'm barely a quarter into an audiobook version of the book, but that book I can finish rather quickly. Same with the final part of Chris' playthrough. Y'know I "finished" the virtual pet script, but I honestly don't have it in me to do a bunch of fucking filming right now. It's a pain in my ass to have to do all that filming, record my VO of the script, then cut it together with interesting editing. I'm shaking with fury just writing this out right now. Fuck me y'know. I just need to do something interesting for a stream or make some kind of smaller scaled video to make up for the one I cobbled together just about a week ago. I'm still fucking shaking with vitriol thinking about how little time i have to do the things i want to do. fuck me dude gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH image of this time: literally me

Apr 5th, 2023
Fucks sake. I just got home barely an hour ago. Today was marginally better than the 4th. I'm deciding to space out my logs so I don't burn myself out with daily tasks. Sure a decent level of routine will keep others sane, but I find that with that something like a personal logbook, especially one online that requires me to open the computer, that shit can get a bit difficult. I'm just fucking upset over these past few days. From the 31st to now it's been a shitshow with only a few minor highs. I thought I peaked midways through my day yesterday, that went well for about 2 hours, then progressively got worse and worse over the course of my work day. And I'm being asked to come in for a closing on one of my days off. I get that I'm being trained as a manager and all that, but I want to use my fucking time to express myself creatively. I was pumped over doing a complete flip of some scraps of footage, with something like that being off the cuff at random. THen i completely lost it, there was that glint of power, a brief spike in my powerlevel where my hubris was miles wide, but the following events, moreso my shitty awful work day than anything else really fucking killed it for me. I probably can't capture that again, at least not in a forced way. Not to mention with the stipulations that have arisen over the course of these few days. yknow i'd love to space out my more serious videos with ones that aren't scripted, but there's too many little pieces that i can't fucking fit together. TOo many constraints to conform to. I still can't fucking believe my audio on my stream was so fucked up for half of the fucking thing. MORE THAN HALF EVEN. I feel like a right and mighty fucking idiot. there's little hope for what creative freedom i hope to express, given that I don't think the stars will align like how they did saturday onward. I MEAN FUCK. I STREAMED THAT DAY, OFFHANDEDLY GATHERED FOOTAGE, MADE A ROUGH COMPILATION DRAFT EDIT, AND COME MONDAY THIS VIDEO WAS READY. I DON'T THINK I COULD PULL SOMETHING LIKE THAT OFF AGAIN ON MY LONESOME WHILE STILL BEING EMPLOYED. NOT TO MENTION THAT THE MATERIAL AT HAND WAS NEAR GOLD! Lightning ne'er strikes the same place twice. unless you're like a loightning rod. And fuck me i don't think i've got the chops to even emulate that kind of strength I had then. fucks sake man. im full wage slave doomer moding right now. I've never felt more dysphoric, discouraged, and weakened. During that monday shift i wanted no more than to run away from everything i had and just wander the highways until i ended up somehwere completely different. start walking a direction and not stopping. I nearly did when I left work that night. I stared at the highway for a brief moment before turning the opposite direction and heading home. I was nearly there at my breaking point. damn near caressing it. but somehow i held it together. i surmise that should i stoop down to such lows again, I'll never come back to my life as i know it. I'll make a new name for myself somewhere else. some junkie on the run from a life that many would kill for. god whagt the fuck am i talking about. there's some things that i really take for fucking granted. im going to shower and head to bed. the next time i update this stupid fuckin website i'll have something fully positive to say. Probably fucking not. mark tghe date..,. if yyu dare

April 3rd, 2023
New VIDEO! New VIDEO! Aw yeah! I don't know why I decided to make this, but because I had the footage I thought it would be cool as shit.This is the perfect thing for me though to diversify my workflow, instead of having to slog through the creative process for more serious videos. With things like these, I don't have to do anything like film myself, write a script, do anything. I just have clips I record and I put them together with minor outside additions. Yes there is a 9/11 joke. It's been 22 years. thank you.

Apr 2nd, 2023
YEAH! I forgot to update the logs yesterday, but I did stream! Yeah! It went well, I had minimal tech issues and my new layout makes me happy as shit. I also recorded a bunch of GMod footage with some of my friends. I plan on compiling it into a little clip reel, but whether or not I upload it depends on how creative I want to get with something like a clip reel. I could have a bit of fun with it, yeah. But maybe it's something I could keep locked here instead of a public youtube upload. Who knows! I know for a fact it's ridden with copyrighted material. tee hee. I have fun sometimes.
Mar 31st, 2023
Ah bollocks to it all, I'm being called into work. I'm a good sumeritan though so I'll gladly assist in closing tonight, even if I really fuckin' don't want to. It's mostly out of concern for my ankle and the steadily increasing number of burns I keep getting as I work. That's really a me problem sure, but it's still painful to burn yourself y'know! I'll probably come home and do some minor filming, that's what I was planning on doing today anyways, but I didn't really carpe them diems just yet. I'm gonna also see the schedule I have as a manager for the first time today, which is something that petrifies me. I want to preserve the number of days I work to the standard 5 I've always done. 5 shifts all in a row where I close each night? That's more than enough to get my decent pay, and since now I'll be taking on the responsibility of micromanaging my employees I'll be working even more. Admittedly for only $1.50 more than I was already making, but still. I don't know, perhaps my suffering is something that will assure me good fortune in the future. Perhaps I'll come to own a Cinnabon in Alabama, i dont know. Maybe such is life in this dog ass shit ass fucking hell world. In other news, WEEEEEOOOOOOOOOW I think I'll stream Super Metroid tomorrow. I've also gotta figure out a new layout for my streams. I didn't envision being on camera as much as I am when I was making the backgrounds and scenes, so of course things are a bit iffy at the moment. That's something I'll have to work out on my lonesome. Perhaps there's a convenient base for streaming DS games I could pull from. That way I'm not obstructing anything with my camera, and that way the game is still perfectly viewable. Of course I'll have to devise something for games of other resolutions. I will be playing SNES games and PS2 games and shit, and those aren't a perfect 4:3 most of the time. SNES games used the stretching of CRT monitors to enhance the looks of the games, same with PS2 games and their 480i resolutions. ONCE MORE THAT IS SOMETHING I'LL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT LATER. Maybe I'll do that in the scant few hours I have before I have to go in and assist with closing tonight. I've got just about shy of 3 hours. I'll try to keep my shower brief to make up some more time to clean the kitchen, take care of the dogs' needs, and work a bit on my stream resources. busy busy busy bee. I should've gotten up earlier today, fuck me.

Mar 30th, 2023
Afternoon to you all, I'm dreading the days to come. Other than that, I'm hungry as fuck right now. I don't even know why, I had a few things to eat over the course of last night. There's no way that's all been filtered through me already. Unless it has and I just don't know shit. Maybe I really don't know shit. Also GOOD NEWS! I can record PS2 games with a decent level of fidelity, meaning that streams are most definitely guaranteed. I just have to do some more testing of this thing and then perhaps you'll see a Devil May Cry stream. I've only played two levels of the game so far, but I really want to stream it, because I know next to nothing. I know there's a Red Dante, Blue Dante, Little Dante, some women, swords, some Michael Jackson ass choreography in the 5th game, and like... pizza? That's all i've got in terms of knowledge about what DMC is like. next to none. I'm just pleased as punch I have this power now. This new computer was so worth saving for.

Mar 29th, 2023
Ah dang, I'm a manager now? Making fat stacks as I waste my 20's? Fuckin' right I am. It's not that bad though, shit's dire in the world right now as it always is, but the way I see it is that I've gotta take my days bit by bit. With any luck I can get the experience from this, take careful notes, rework my resume, and get the hell out of here before my ankle falls off. Should any of my coworkers be reading this through some means, sorry! I'm playing 4D chess with this shit. I'm planning ahead so I can further my goals of making the things I want to make. Of course I can't make money off the things I do on the side now, that's obvious enough. I can't just quit my job because I want to make videos full time, even as much as I would like to always have my hands on the creative steering wheel. I gotta have my cash first, garner views with a creative style and proper shilling of my work, and then when I can be supported by that, I can stop working a shit day jobs and devote my time to being authentically me, and making things I want to share with others. That's my goal in life. Perhaps even directorial stuff could be in my future. That's shit I really wanna do. There's always a path to this shit though, i've gotta learn and gain knowledge and become so powerful. im fucking ready for this shit. I'm the baddest bitch at the ball game, and baby i've got one mean swinging arm.

Mar 28th, 2023
Good afternoon! I'm awfully tired still, so I'm gonna keep this rather brief. I'm going to run the store mostly by myself today as a part of manager training which is a bit scary. I'm a wee bit weakened as well. Ignoring the standard body pains (left leg and all that, ankle pain and the like) I'm also very sore from having carried a whole case of Arizona Golden Bear Pink Lemonade TRADE MARK back to my home. These are the sacrifices I must make when I don't drive. I kill my arms carrying back a whole 24 pack of big ol' cans. That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth I suppose. I've yet to do any filming of any kind, I've got some B-Roll shots from shots previous to these, which is always nice. I imagine it'll take a good few hours of my time this coming friday to get things all compiled and filmed. Goddamn I really need to get a newer version of Vegas.

Mar 27th, 2023
Goooooooood morning. I'm lounging around in my robe before I have to do any of the daily obligations before work. Honestly, it's pure bliss. A mountain dew while eating room temperature pineapple and canadian bacon pizza? That's literally heaven. I don't make the rules, I just go along with it. This shit's so good. In other news, I think Digital Devil Saga may be the RPG i put most of my focus on for a bit. It's been too long since I played a full console RPG. I really tried Dragon Warrior 8 on the 3ds, but I couldn't get into it after getting the ship. That's my main gripe with the bigger Dragon Warrior games with their expansive worlds and use of ships to get around. I don't want to get lost and wander about too far away from the main story path. That's probably rich coming from me, given that I really like the Metroid series, but to be fair Metroid just works because there's always a goal in the back of your mind as you wander about the unfamiliar planet scapes. "I'm lost deeper into these foreign caverns, but I think I'm getting near a new item, hopefully one which will allow me to progress through these doors/find an alternate route." It's not like, "oh here's a vague statement about where we COULD go, but it's not required. Let's just get on this ship and sail about while we search for Dhoulmagus." Like, damn dude. I get that Dragon Warrior has always kept that sort of aimless wandering feel in the game while playing, which is immediately remedied by using a guide, but perhaps that sort of feel in action is far too antiquated for someone in the modern age. Maybe my brain is just rotted out. I've never been all that smart when it comes to low stakes things. ah, shame. Part-time bimbo.

Mar 26th, 2023
I did my first stream with the new computer and I think it went over well. No viewers that I could detect, but in terms of performance and being able to run a competent looking stream, yeah everything was fantastic! I finished up the script for the new video as well, I'll just have to record my V/O and do a lot of B-Roll and filming and I'll be fucking set to start editing. That's what this new video is really gonna be for, it's a test of how well I can edit stylistically. I now have access to more powerful tech after all, why not try and stretch it to the limit with some shit. I can guarantee you this is the same shit that shitty teenagers do when they get their first car. They wanna go fuckin' fast! But I want to use this new comp to make something wonderful and stylized. Of course I'll have to learn how to use shit like After Effects or whatever the Vegas equivalent is. Perhaps even I should get a newer version of Vegas. Vegas 12 is nice, but there's most definitely features and QOL updates that would make my life so much easier with newer versions. Time to go scour the open seas for one then. Tee hee, bye for now! I'll be having a world of fun in the meantime.

Mar 25th, 2023

Mar 24th, 2023
Woops! I fucked up and woke up late yesterday so I couldn't fit a daily log into my routine. My laptop arrives TODAY! I'm actually going fucking insane waiting on this thing. It is en route to my location AS I FUCKING TYPE THIS OUT. It's supposed to arrive in 3-4 hours so at this point I'm watching out for the delivery service truck like a rabid animal with a mission to bite ankles. Let me out of my enclosure, I'm fucking NUTS. Not to mention that my little 6 inch Metroid is arriving within the next 3 days as well, that fucker is going right on my desk next to the Dragon Warrior slime. I've been increasingly autistic over Metroid these past few days and I can feel the parasitic infection seeping throughout my body. It's nuts to be completely honest. HROUGH HORUGH HROUHRHOHGH RHOUGHORHOH IM MORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPHING HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGH

Mar 22nd, 2023
HOURUGHHHHHHH CMOPUTER A FEW STATES AWAY! I made a cup noodle to eat before work today and I put TWO (2) egg yolks in it. A bit of garlic herb seasoning, and a bit of tajin because i thought it was funny. Also as I write this I'm watching Star Trek Voyager and I love The Doctor so much he's so cool. I know he's just a hologram, but somehow he's so real to me. HE'S REAL TO ME. OOOUHHGHHGh That's me crying over how much I love him. Also I've been playing Metroid 2 on the 3ds, but man does it ever piss me off. Some of the design choices in that game are utterly baffling. Why is the fucking ice beam freeze time so short? For platforming challenges on little ass platforms it becomes damn near impossible to complete tasks at hand. Fuck the final Metroid of the second area of SR-388. That thing's bullshit ass timed missle blocks and ice beam freeze time makes me feel insane. This game's got one final strike against it and this 3ds is going in my upper intestine. Man that ramen was good. I cannot wait for the laptop to get here I know I keep bringing it up but I've been long overdue for an upgrade. And of course it's eventually gonna be greatly outclassed in a few years by new tech. It's a laptop after all, Semi-limited in how it can be modified and made more powerful, but if I could graft new parts and components onto this laptop and breathe some amount of life support into it after 11 years of this thing's existence, I feel like for something newer i could do something similar. (hopefully, because if i cant do manual repairs im killing myself and then acer) alright I'm gonna go brush my teeth and head off to work. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday the laptop arrives because I'm getting real antsy. WHY IS IT ONLY FUCKING WEDNESDAY

Mar 21st, 2023
I beat Metroid Fusion earlier this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, and I only really experienced a few road blocks with the game. My time was 3:23, and my item collection percentage was 51% or so. Honestly I'm happy I came back around on the game, but it feels like it ends too soon. Maybe that's just how Metroid games go when you are more adept at navigating hidden areas for item upgrades. I was pleased as punch when I took out the SA-X and the Mutated SA-X with barely any health left, same for the man made Zeta Metroid at the end. I had to stop playing so recklessly and take my time to ensure I didn't get torn to shreds. ALSO MY NEW LAPTOP IS ARRIVING LATER THIS WEEK!!! I'm so gonna take a day off soon to do a whole upgrade of all my stream resources, change up all my aesthetics, and make a more concise selection of scenes. When I tell you I'm fuckin' ready, I mean it. This new laptop is gonnna be wonderful. A larger screen, more processing power, and a not busted up ass keyboard. My A and N keys are coming off here. Which how the fuck does the N key come off like that? I bought this thing used but I cant for the life of me think of a game I've played on this thing that would REQUIRE THE USE OF THE N KEY. It matters not. I think for the next game I'm gonna play n my own is gonna be the Metroid 2 remake on 3ds. Fuck it.

Mar 20th, 2023
Ah, good morning. I'm tired, but today is the first out of five days this week i'm working, so I'm gonna take this head on. I'm a bit pumped about getting this new laptop soon. Ultimate test of the new computer? Streaming DS games in flawless quality. Streaming PSP GAMES HOLY SHIT. YEAH. Crisis Core 1 person show is gonna be real! Let's fucking go! Alright okay I'm gonna leave now, I'm gonna dream about this new computer all day today I'm so energized.

Mar 19th, 2023 - 9:43 PM
Good evening! I streamed for like 4 hours today and I was more productive on this one sunday than I typically am over the course of multiple weekends. I think I should stream more to capitalize on the effect of the BRB screen. I loved just jamming out and talking to the random stragglers that popped in and out of my stream. I plan on doing more streams once I get my new laptop WHICH IS SUPER SUPER SOON!!!! I get paid tomorrow afternoon and you can bet your bucks I'll be dropping the cash for something good. I really want to do avant garde streams with stupid ass concepts, but i'm also limited by the space I can work in and by my own money. I want to do a stream of FF7 Crisis Core OG just because I really fuckin' love that game, and it's been about two years since I did a full playthrough of it, that game is just perfection. Music, story, gameplay, graphics. It's so harmonious and there's truly no better game to play on the Sony PSP. Not a single one. I'm keeping this daily log brief and ONCE AGAIN, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TEXT ON TODAYS GIF, I just needed another alien gif for today's log.

Mar 19th, 2023 - 3:14 AM
The servers for hosting went down for almost the entire day I was awake yesterday, so this log post is late by a LONG WHILE. I think that I can be excused in the event of technological issues. That's besides what I wanted to talk about today. I've been enjoying Metroid Fusion in the time that I've been away. Love me some good ol' Metroid. I mean, if you know who I am, and what website you're on, a space adventure with a strong badass lady is absolutely wonderful and damn fitting for all of my interests. Of course there's only a handful of games in the series, so there's slim pickins y'know. I have a plethora of gripes targeted towards the game, but I'd rather not spend all night being so negative, that's something that is too oft in my weekday logs. Work struggles and the like, as you know. This game is rather fun, but I vastly prefer Zero Mission. The aesthetics of the BSL Station are varied, with a believable layout and a wide array of creatures to fend off while you explore. I've just been rather soured by how flimsy Samus is, because I play these games rather recklessly, and with the difficulty spiking off and on, I can't keep up with the rapid changes. Skill issue, yes, but a smoother curve is always better. And this is even with going out of my way to grab extra items anywhere I can. I'm a fiend when it comes to gathering items and upgrades that aren't part of main story progression. I'll just have to power through the portion where hte power has been shut off. I remember when I first played the game all the way through as a teenager, this is the part that made me so fuckin' mad at the X-Parasite bosses. Later on in the game I got so mad at the one-on-one fight against the SA-X that I ended up grabbing my PSP (was emulating off of it) and I squeezed it so hard i ended up cracking the motherboard and breaking the whole system. I bought a replacement PSP no more than 2 years afterwards, but also DAMN. I'm just glad for the most part I've mellowed out. For the most part. Sometimes I still really do get heated. ALSO I DON'T LIKE THE ZERO SUIT SAMUS DESIGNS FROM THE 2000's ONWARD, BUT THATS JUST HOW I'VE ALWAYS BEEN OKAY GOODNIGHT I'LL UPDATE AGAIN LATER TODAY. image of this time: LOOK AT MY DINNER BOY

Mar 17th, 2023
Happy green day! It doesn't sound like it but I enjoy this holiday a lil bit. Of course back home where I'm from it was always cold and rainy whenever it came time to celebrate it, so I seldom went to parades or did a whole lot of anything because I didn't want to get up ass early and get all dressed up in my green shit only to be soggy and shivering like a bitch. Of course though I don't really know the history of Saint Patrick's Day, I just celebrate it like any white american worth their salt by getting sloshed. Only that won't work for me because I'm gonna be working all night tonight, got another closing shift. What a load of it y'know. What the fuck ever. SPOILERS FOR DRAGON WARRIOR 4 AHEAD!!!! I beat Dragon Warrior 4 yesterday morning! Yeah I cheesed the fuck out of the R4 Card's on board cheats and was able to make my progress back relatively quickly and also take out Psaro. Wonderful fight, but i'm a bit sad my perception of the game is a little hampered by the fact that I had two instances of losing progress. One of which was my DS dying after I spent an hour going through two dungeons for the Zenithian gear and also the Liquid Metal Sword, and then that which baffles me. Maybe in my 4 hours of sleep hazy brain I just genuinely forgot to save, i've got no clue. But I really enjoyed the game otherwise! I was surprised Estark wasn't the final boss, because I had seen scant screenshots of the game previously, and I though Psaro joined your party and helped take out Estark, but no! Psaro took on Estark's form but in a crazy fucking twist, began to morph like crazy as you whittled down his health. When his second head bursts from his body and the music changes and gets all scary, that was sick as hell. Okay, i should probably get moving now, I'll be back tomorrow to talk about something, probably videogames.

Mar 16th, 2023

Mar 15th, 2023
Good morning, I am only half ready for the day. Corporate visits, so i have to act like i care a lot and dickride for the company today. We even got new uniform items instead of our basic dress pants and collared button ups. Who gives a shit though I wanna talk about Golden Sun. It's been damn near 10 years since I last played the game, and whooooooooo boy I remember having fun with it, even if I didn't really read any of the story, I just saw someone be like "hey go here and do this" and i went there and did that. Honestly I have to wonder where I fell off because I cannot for the life of me remember if I beat the game or not. It wasn't even my copy of the game if i recall correctly, it belonged to my first stepbrother, who had an absurd amount of games. He never kept them organized though, so when I moved away I ended up getting his copy of NFS ProStreet and Epic Mickey for the Wii. Crazy shit. BUT YEAH I FUCKING WISH I bothered to negotiate for a copy of the game from him, I remember one day during the summer we found a stray copy of Pokemon Ruby in the floorboards of his mom's Ford Explorer and we couldn't figure out who owned it. I wish I had asked to keep it because DAMN these modern prices. I hate the rammifications of the pandemic beyond the death and turmoil it brought upon the general human population. All hobbies are commodified and game collection is a huge fucking GRIFT. I am not spending $150 on a game that I could've gotten for barely $30 bucks no more than 5 years ago you fuckhead. Maybe I could bitch about the general commodification of most hobbies post pandemic for a video, but I also don't want to be a negative nancy for a whole video. I'll leave that to commentary youtubers and moronic hypebeasts who think that "all games are the same" when all they play is battle royale and sports sims. Man pick up a switch and get playing some fuckin Shin Megami Tensei, grow a pair you dink. But yeah with the shitty market that game collection has become, I really have to search hard for copies of games for anything pre-2013. Which is INSANE because It's only hitting me now that its almost been 20 years since the release of the Nintendo DS, and people doing all this price gouging is only going to further make these games more elusive. Fuck prices for the DS port of Dragon Warrior V, Hand of the Heavenly Bride. I've seen English copies CARTRIDGE ONLY go for MINIMUMS OF $120 DOLLARS ON EBAY. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNN. That's just cruel. At least Japanese copies can be found rather cheaply, but for playing the games? Yeah dawg it's pretty dire pickings out here. Really does suck how that's most of all hobbies in the modern era. I bet I've got some Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards that fetch a pretty penny now due to the shitty practices of scalpers and resellers. Of course I'd never fall into a shitty grift like that, but then again selling a few slips of cardboard for easy cash would be nice. BUT IM NOT FUCKING SELLING MY DECKS. Eventually I'll find someone who wants to play IRL and doesn't smell like a human equivalent of a tube of rotted meat. Never making the mistake of signing up for a local card shop tournament. OKAY BYEEEEEEEE I HOPE SOMEONE ENJOYS MY DAILY THOUGHTSSSSS smile

Mar 14th, 2023
Ah goodness me, 2/5 long ass days as of now. Ignoring that, I'm thinking this weekend I'll be able to finish Dragon Warrior IV and move on to another game, or perhaps even finish the script i've been unintentionally putting off for weeks now. We're two weeks into March yeah, but at least I don't have a set time for this video. It's not like my Dragon Warrior video which featured many many clips from the Summer of 2022 and was workshopped during that time as being a "summer themed video" when in reality it released in Winter 2023. Razor sharp with my productions huh. I may fuck off the script for a bit so I can do something a little different. Maybe i'll do a frozen food review of these shitty little oven baked hot pocket things I used to eat all the time. I just really want to get my bearings with Vegas 12. I essentially had to learn as I went with the Dragon Warrior video, because I was NOT using openshot video again. If you watch the Pokemon Liquid Crystal video, you'll see desyncs of my video and audio editing quite frequently. There's an entire bit that got completely fucked. When I go over my teams between my physical copy of Liquid Crystal and the emulated copy the clips and my VO were completely aligned in editing, but somehow during rendering it just got completely broken. That bit with my Gengar named "Warufuji" where I showed the suspended twitter account of some guy and played the Gengar cry just got completely broken. I'm like 99% the Gengar cry is in the completely WRONG place and plays during a clip of me in the hot ass van talking about team composition. That whole fucking video is just a mess from start to finish. Be it the editing, my own monotone recording, the fact that I WAS USING OPENSHOT VIDEO. I'm just glad that even with my lack of ability that came with using Vegas 12, I still was able to make a video that I think exceeds my expectations. That Dragon Warrior video was such a good jump up in quality, and tbh I really want to have another jump with my next one, but I've got to learn more skills with this software and perhaps diversify my editing with something more visually unique. I mean shit, I wanted to have interspersed B-Roll of me climbing trees and walking around this nearby creek, along with some shots of me biking around this graveyard, but that never came to fruition. Rest in peace my old bike, still sad I had to throw it out. But yeah, I want to expand the scope of my videos, even if I don't particularly go over anything too interesting or something too niche, and I think smaller scaled videos where I'm less going over something like a game or my hobbies, but while also not compromising the editing. You can be a great photographer/videographer, but if you don't know how to enhance what you shoot with effects and a good sense of style, you don't really have a grasp on how to get the most out of what you shoot. I've certainly got work to do on both fronts.

Mar 13th, 2023
HOUGH, I do not want to get up for work today, that time jump is trying to put my ass in the grave. I woke up about 8:30-9am, but I didn't get out of bed until 12. As much as I really don't want to, just because the cash is really good, I may call out of my shift friday. Fuck it yknow? I don't want to fuck anyone over but I'm also closing 5 days in a row? doing straight 3pm-1am shifts. That wears me down a bit. In other news I've found a neat little program to try and learn how to make music with. Korg DS-10 for the nintendo ds! It's a synthesizer with some relatively intuitive controls. Of course I don't know anything about making something that sounds good or sticks to the basic rules of music theory, but why bother. I'm beginning to think that perhaps my only chance of learning anything new is through the nintendo ds. I'm rather limited by the technology i have, and my general unwillingness to spend money to purchase anything semi-professional. Same thing goes for art. I bought Aseprite so I could take advantage of the new features that were added in an update (had been using a pirated copy for a while) and i ended up just not using it because I didn't have the patience for the ugly phases. Im reminded that I spent like $35 on Dead By Daylight and i've played it like twice. I BOUGHT XBOX LIVE FOR IT. WHAT THE FUCk

Mar 12th, 2023
Woooooooh Good afternoon! I'm tired from going to bed at 5am this morning, thank you shitty old keurig coffee machine we have in the corner of the kitchen. I love coffee so much. But that is NOT what I am here to talk about. I want to talk about Metroid! And Golden Sun. Videogames in general really. I was talking about this with some of my friends last night about pacing myself between games and shit so I don't get burnt out from overexposure. There's so many kinds of games, but I primarily like RPGs because most "skill ceilings" are just numbers. (I find in some games though the grind is a bit arduous, fuck you OG Devil Survivor) I can really nestle into an RPG, but i also like particular platforming adventure games. Unfortunately there's been an absurd amount of platforming adventure games after the resurgence of the mid 2010s. No one did it like Iga though, despite his strange misogynistic views. There's a high saturation of search action/adventure platformers/metroidvanias now, and a lot of them are rather dull. or at least dull due to a filled niche. I find though that going back to most metroid games and a handful of castlevania games always results in a good time. Although mostly Metroid, because i've never beaten any post Symphony of the Night era Castlevanias! Of course that sounds like heresy, but I've really only beaten the Game Boy trilogy! I love those very dearly of course, but when it comes to standard Castlevania metroidvanias I either fell off hard due to wandering around too long or I was filtered out because of a difficult boss. Skill issue, i know. But I've beaten Metroid 2, AM2R, Metroid ZM, Metroid Fusion, and to be honest I really really only need those ones! I own a copy of OG Metroid Prime but i don't really want to hook up my wii to the tv mounted on my wall for that. If only I had a monitor on my desk that i could both hook my laptop up to and maybe a console! Of course that'd require a whole reorganization of my desk. The current image on my home page is rather inaccurate, as it's from november of last year, when i first moved into this room. Believe me when i tell you, I have gotten SO MANY MORE VIRTUAL PETS. I need to get some kind of little drawer thingy to store all my guys in, but then that also comes with the cost of having to buy it and also figure out a way to pack that up when it comes time to move somewhere. Also DAMN, i really dont want to have to reorganize all this shit. I considered briefly getting a corkboard to hang up, but the flower tapestry is too pretty to give up on. Also I wouldn't have anything for the pedometer pets that don't have any keychain clips. Shame. I'll pin an image of my desk at the bottom of this post just you can get an idea with what im working with. Perhaps you could also swing by the alien talk page and tell me what the fuck i should put on my games backlog. It's been a while since i've listened to anyone else regarding game reccommendations. image of this time: didn't turn the flash on for this one, sorry!

Mar 11th, 2023
Oh man, i got home around 1:30 or so this morning and I didn't end up waking up until about 2:30 or so, it's already 4pm and I seem to have misplaced my brain. In my exhausted haze I knocked out some more writing in the script, and reading it back today it's mostly inane shit about how Bandai has shot itself in the foot with their Premium Bandai service shit, but I'll refrain from talking too much about that today. I want to sing the praises of Columbo for a bit. It's a show I've really gotta be in the mood to watch, as is the case for a lot of TV and Movies. (the only exception strangely being the DBZ movies) But i find to enjoy Columbo a very whole lot when I do watch it. The first few pilot episodes (before Murder by The Book) are neat, but personally I didn't find them all that intruiging, but from Murder by the Book onwards, I really found the show to be captivating. Something about the genius of Ltd. Columbo being covered by a deceptive haze of being a doting older gentleman (played expertly by Peter Falk) Is truly magnificent in this medium. Not to mention the texture of old film cameras of this era really lends itself well to setting the tone of every episode. Also shout out to the various directors they get to work on some of these episodes, watching the cinematography play out and all these pretty ass shots flow into one another really gets to me. There's some wonderful use of color spread throughout them as well. Despite the first two outings being somewhat middling, when the show got its proper footing it hit the ground running. Crazy how it only took two pilot episodes for the show to really grow its beard and take off. I can't wait to watch more later today, but i've also got some other obligations in order. That script is beating my ass yknow. Hopefully at least by the start of spring you'll see the video, or at least a rough draft of an edit. Lord knows it takes me forever to get the time to film all the shit for videos, especially if it involves a video game that i want to talk about.

Mar 10th, 2023
Last night was better! As I write this very quickly I have received the copy of Slime Mori Mori Dragon Warrior, Even if I cannot understand the game, I'll probably give it a thorough look through. Love a little slime. BY THE WAY, I'm inching ever closer to being able to buy a new computer. I've got a decent amount of cash saved as of now, and I plan on putting a hold on any non imperitive purchases until the monday after next. I'm so gonna get a powerful little machine to ENSURE that I can make quality videos about the topics I really want to make. I bet you 25 fucking cents i'll make a review on Resident Evil Deadly Silence for the Nintendo DS which crossreferences multiple things present in the S.D. Perry Novel Adaptation of the game. I've already got the perfect idea for scenes I want to crossreference, and all the little things about the game I want to talk about. Even the jank ass multiplayer that I don't really care about! Alright I've gotta go now, barely 10 minutes before I've gotta hit the road to work. BYEEEEEEEEE. ((:

Mar 9th, 2023
Almost got into an altercation with my manager last night and my cousin is being absolutely set ablaze on a twitter post as we speak. Every day i inch closer to training my bonobo macacque genetics so i can morph back into prime ape form and I leave society forever. I could become travis the chimp 2. Gordy

Mar 8th, 2023
Purchased a copy of Slime Mori Mori for the Game Boy Advance yesterday. I figured I could get started on collecting Dragon Warrior games again because I'm pretty much satisfied with all the virtual pets i've bought so far. I won't buy another one until something like the Digital Monster X 3 releases in america or at least isn't a premium bandai exclusive. Not only that, but copies of Japanese Dragon Warrior games are rather cheap in comparison to English copies, and especially since Slime Mori Mori 1 is japanese exclusive, I figured why not! why shouldn't i drop 15 bucks on it? I mean shit, one of my friends has been collecting Weird Al CDs, another one has been looking for Max Headroom merchandise. Outside of saving cash for future endeavors, rent, and a better laptop, I don't have anything like car payments that would dent my savings, so why shouldn't I pivot into another hobby? OH BY THE WAY, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TEXT ON TODAYS GIF, I just needed another alien gif.

Mar 7th, 2023
Got another long work night ahead of me, which sucks a bit, but I got paid yesterday! I'm waiting currently for the full amount to be deposited so I can slice off the proper amount into my savings. That new laptop is right around the corner, and this new video? Even closer. I'll have to put some extra juice in my tank to get kickstarted on the script. Honestly if I wasn't doing my daily logs here and instead did work on the script, it probably would've been done by now, but I think having both this website and these journal logs is overall good for my brain. It's a fully customizable space for me to put everything i've ever thought of into. Even if it's an awfully terrible place to navigate. Speaking of terrible to navigate, I may make the Virtual Pet Graveyard a toggle on the vpet page. Just a lil gravestone gif in the corner you can click on and it'll pull up the little guys i've killed. (intentionally or not.)

Mar 6th, 2023
Gooooooooood afternoon space people! I'm eating chips and dip. I'll have more to talk about tonight, but that's tonight. I'll see you all at 1am!

Mar 5th, 2023
I didn't do jack shit today, as I write this it's currently 7pm, but I'm still just kind of lounging around. Does NOT feel great to be completely honest, but the more energy I can conserve in advance the better. I'll probably shotgun the rest of all I wanted to do today right at the end of my night. Maybe that's just the human curse of the modern era, with the world being made out like it's always ending and everyone with eyes on you and your kind like some kind of paparazzi flash mob where all the cameras are replaced with pitchforks, it's hard to make an effort in the face of such adversity. Ah whatever, I can just write little bits in my script here and there over the course of this work week and come time by the weekend maybe I'll be able to muster the energy to get all dolled up and film a little bit. Thank god i don't have to do anything like record game footage. I would NOT be able to do it to be honest if I had to record game footage. I imagine my next video (if its the one i really wanna make) will take a very long time to get all completed. Such is life.

Mar 4th, 2023
Ah finally, some decent rest has come to me! ... At least some. I fell asleep last night after returning home from work early. My schedule for next week is whatever, at least I can take comfort in knowing that I am still making the same amount of money. This computer is almost on its way out and if the person I was going to buy from doesn't stop dragging their heels I'll just get an eBay refurbished gaming laptop instead. Perhaps I'll go deposit some cash today I had saved so I can at least put a bit more money towards it. Then it makes me wonder if perhaps I could pick up using a cracked version of Premiere again instead of Vegas 12 Pro. (shout out to my friend jenn who got me both cracks) In other news, I've been playing more Dragon Warrior 4. Other than some obtuse stuff in the beginning chapters, I love everything from the music to the aesthetic of the game. And to think we'd never receive a translation of the Playstation remake! Of course I'd never really do anything like make a video on it, but perhaps somewhere up on this page I'll make a text based review once I finish the game. Y'know, I always considered my style of writing very incongruent with my manner of speech, so there'd be two tonally and stylistically different version of this same review. Ah to hell with this hypothetical review of DWIV, I'm gonna go do the dishes and make myself some food.

Mar 3rd, 2023
Loopy as shit right now, but I won't bitch about work. I've got another package arriving today, which I'll attempt to post about sometime today. It's early morning at the moment and my head is pounding, but even so I'll knock back two monsters and use the fuckin ki energy to blast through the day. Either that or I'll die before I can even return home. I also thought about another thing I wanted to add to this website at some point. I want to shove ideas I had for videos that I can't feasibly realize at this current moment here in short snippets. For example I have a lot of feelings about Persona 3. (portable 4 ever!!!) but of course making a long form video of the game would require me to play it all the way through again, record the footage, write a script based on a very shaky idea, (that which is the idea that the refined core gameplay loop of P3P is rather appealing to me as an autistic person, like god thats such a dumb idea for a video) and then take the time to film video, b-roll, compile my images, music, and other video clips, and edit it all together. I just don't have the time or the patience to make a video on a 60+ hour RPG like that. I LOVE Persona 3 Portable, but I'd rather not kill my enjoyment with the game or make a video that I'd be ultimately unsatisfied with. As much as i would like to have an uncompromising vision for all my videos and for what I want to do/go for with what I make, I unfortunately have to stay realistic and not try to stretch myself too thin with something which wouldn't fulfill me the way i want it to. Perhaps once I make a better stream of income that isn't doing fulltime for a shitty restaurant I could divvy more of my time specifically for videos. Just don't expect a video on Persona 3 (:
Mar 2nd, 2023
Good afternoon once more, I'll attempt not yelling about my work for just a bit I swear. Last night after returning home I had remembered I had a shitty Kodak EasyCam sitting in a tote in my room somewhere, so at about 3am or so I was sitting at my desk trying to get this jank ass camera (not even one of the ones I enjoy yknow?) to work, but to no avail. I decided to take my multitool to the fuckin thing and pop the pieces of the lens apart. I may make some kind of art project out of the remains of this shitty camera, but that'll have to wait until I receive my Olympus camera card. Mine I was using for about a year or so shit itself and stopped being recognized by the camera. I'm just hoping it's an issue with the card and not the camera, because I don't even want to IMAGINE how expensive the actual crust camera is.

Mar 1st, 2023
Alright, as predicted I was swamped with work even on a tuesday night of all things. I'm cool with it though, cause a package came in the mail as yesterday as I was doing my wage worker loser shit. Linked for your convenience at the bottom of this blog post. I'll just be happy by the time Friday arrives so I can get some proper sleep and perhaps get more than an hour or so to work both on learning HTML and doing some writing work. Anticipate within the week that I'll be able to make MUSIC play while you read these posts or look at the dumb shit I want to share. Y'know what, I'm gonna make a list of things I want to include on my webpage! image of the times: The package!

Feb 28th, 2023
As I type this up, I am surrounded by a buncha shit on my desk. I've got my set of housekeys with a Dragon Warrior cureslime on them, my Digimon, my 3DS, my jank ass 2000's gamer headset, and my videomaking/note taking little journal. Only the essentials of my desk. I've gotta get ready for work in about an hour or so, but even still I'm just resting. No sense in rushing myself out there. I'll be returning home at like 1 in the fuckin' morning. I hope within the next week or so I can make this webpage with some ease, and without my laptop falling apart. I may have to postpone my next video until I can buy a replacement. Thankfully I have some cash coming soon that I can probably use to fund a better workstation. AND WHEN I SAY WORKSTATION IM NOT TALKING SOME $2500+ FUCKIN' GAMER CAVE RGB BULLSHIT. I just want a decently bulky laptop with some processing power that won't heat up like an oven when i play Gmod.

Feb 27th, 2023
Okay, I figure for my first post on my website I shouldn't bother with making some kind of promotion for my video, given that this website won't be shared as much as the videos themselves. Neocities is a rather hidden gem of the internet in comparison to where I host my videos. It just wouldn't make sense. Perhaps once I conclude with my next video I can do a cross promotional thing where I tell people to go to this jank ass site. Ah, whatever. It's not like the video will be done all that soon. ESPECIALLY SINCE IM FORCED TO LEARN FUCKING HTML JUST BECAUSE I WANT A COOL WEBSITE. SHIT.